Thursday, January 31, 2013

Do Not Disturb!

Just because I don't have a craft room, doesn't mean I can't have one of these.  In fact, I probably need it more than ever.

Hee, hee - what do you think?  I see it coming in very handy although I also see little faces and hands at the door, squealing to be let in.  Oh well, I'll give it my best shot!
It was seriously simple to make and is one of those spur-of-the-moment, quick projects I love.

My chevron fabric wasn't very thick so I cut out an extra piece of plain white fabric (from the same old white sheet I made the little ladybug drawstring bags from) just as a backing so that not as much light would shine through.  I then printed directly onto the chevron piece using my home printer (I explained how to do this in my Ladybug post) and then just popped it into the embroidery hoop. 
That's it.  Done.  In minutes. 

And when I'm not able to have any solo "Martha" time, I just hang it by my desk - which to be honest is probably where it will remain if my kids and husband have anything to do with it.  Still, I don't mind - it gives me a little smile every time I glance over at it.
What do you think?  Have you ever put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign?  Has it worked? Do your kids just laugh at you.  Pffft, what am I thinking?  If I can't even go to the bathroom in peace ...
Oh, future house with its expansive craft room, I just cannot wait to meet you.


  1. That's a brilliant idea. I'm going to use it. Thanks xoxo.

    1. Hi Sunny - thanks for taking the time to comment. I hope you find some quiet time to make your own sign. x

  2. That is super cute! I love th chevron. I hope the sign works for you :) Thanks for sharing it at the weekly creative.

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot

  3. what a cute and clever idea! xo

  4. As a fellow mama who a) also still can't pee in private, six years on, b) can't see the surface of her desk, let alone craft on it, and c) is also dreaming of the future house with expansive craft room, since said desk shares space with ds's lego table, dh's work/hobby desk, dd's drawings, and y'know, all the household admin stuff, I am really loving the sheer, unbridled optimism of this cute sign. Would love to hear whether it works for you...

    1. Hi Rebecca, I was so sure I had replied to you. Thanks so much for your great comment and, yes, I'm probably dreaming if I think it's going to work ... but sometimes you just gotta hope!! :)

  5. Oh my gawsh! So darling! Love it!


    1. You're a darling for stopping by - I know how crazy busy you are. Thanks Jen - much appreciated! x

  6. I love this! Going to make one for my office door! What size embroidery hoop did you use?

    1. Hi Leah, thanks so much - I love it too! The hoop I used is 21cm and you wouldn't want to get one any bigger unless you can print larger than A4. A hoop one size smaller would be good too. Let me know how you go. x
