Friday, December 21, 2012

Can of Snow!

With the temperature set to hit 40 degrees here on Christmas Day, and the fact we live in Western Australia, there's absolutely no chance of snow ... or is there?

As soon as I saw this super-duper, cutesey-matootsey "Can of Snow" idea on How Does She yesterday, I knew immediately we were going to have snow at our house this Christmas.  I love it and the kids will too.  We can have a snowball fight, it can be sneakily placed around the house as Santa or reindeer footprints or we can use it to decorate.  I'm thinking we will probably go with the "fight" option and gather all the kids in the backyard for a bit of snowballing fun.  It'll not only be a different experience for them but after a couple of hours in the freezer, it'll cool them down too!

The supplies.

It's so simple to make.  This is what you will need:

  • Empty tins (I got mine from a Solver Paint shop for $3 each)
  • Lid opener (optional but cute - only 50c at Bunnings)
  • Sea Salt or Rock Salt (to fill 3 x 1L tins I used 2 x 1kg bags of salt)
  • Cornflour (I used 2 x 500g bags of cornflour)
  • Glitter

Mix it all together and voila! You have snow!


The very gorgeous labels are provided free for "How Does She" readers so if you want to get your hands on them, you will need to subscribe to How Does She.  I have been a subscriber for a while now and not only is their site absolutely beautiful, they always have fabulous ideas and are ridiculously creative.  They also regularly offer free printables so they are well worth subscribing to.  Go on, you'll be very happy you did.

So, will you be experiencing a white Christmas this year (a real one) or will you be like us and melting on Christmas Day trying hard to stay cool by throwing chilled cornflour at each other?!

A very Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you get to spend lots of lovely quality time with your family and friends.  Take care, stay safe and enjoy this very special time. xxx


  1. Oh this post does my heart good. I love that it is bringing your kids snow, all the way in Australia. Thank you so much for sharing. Really brightened my day. :) Merry Christmas to you & yours. Shelley (

    1. THANK YOU, Shelley, for the inspiration and originality!! Merry Xmas! xxx

  2. Loving all your stuff Nik
    Happy Christmas babe x

  3. Oh I LOVE this!!! Storing this idea away for next Christmas. P.S love your adorable models, too cute! :) xx

    1. Ooooo, thanks Shae! Perhaps we can have a group "fight" next Christmas! xxx

  4. So sweet!! I'm so thrilled to see your kids enjoying their "snow!" Thank you so much for posting!

    Heather (I designed the label for HowDoesShe) : )

    1. Oh, thank YOU, Heather, for providing such a beautiful label - it's what makes the whole project! I am so sorry for not linking back to Chickabug as well as How Does She - it just completely slipped my mind. FYI, we had our snow fight today with my kids and their cousins - it was a blast and cooled them down in this ridiculous heat. Thanks again! x
