Friday, November 9, 2012

Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub

If you're looking for a simple, lovely & quick homemade gift for someone, this "Lemon Sugar Hand Scrub" is perfect. 

I found the original recipe here (thank you, Stephanie Lynn!) but have since noticed it all over the www.  I made some last year for a work colleague and for my Mum, and the other day I made another batch for a very special, very pregnant friend (she will also be able to use it on her tired, aching feet!) and for my son's Kindy class who have decided on a "glass jar stall" for their school fete this weekend.  We were asked to fill a jar with something - size, shape and what went inside was completely up to us.  I decided not to fill the jar with lollies or toys but to aim my little jar of goodness at the beautiful Mummy's out there.

The scrub is made up of just 3 ingredients - Lemon, Olive Oil & Sugar - all of which you most probably have in your pantry.  I added a few drops of Lemon Myrtle essential oil (for extra yumminess) because I just happened to have some in my cupboard.  Despite its simpleness, the scrub is not only effective at removing dirt, grime, glue, paint or whatever else it is that gets on our hands from crafting, sewing, DIY'ing, gardening, playing etc but it also leaves them feeling silky smooth and looking loved.  Happiness in a jar.

If you'd like to give this easy-peasey lemon-squeezy scrub as a gift and don't have the time (or the inclination) to whip up a cute little gift tag, I have included mine here for you. I haven't added Lemon Myrtle in the ingredient list, just in case it's not something you have laying around.

Yours in hand health,


  1. That looks great, we have so many lemons on our tree at the moment and they are going to waist

    1. Put those lemons to good use, Anne, and make up a batch (or two or three)of scrub. It's so easy and effective. You can also use Almond Oil if you think the smell of Olive Oil is too strong. Thanks for commenting! x

  2. Yes I can totally vouch...this little scrub is wonderful on my tired, swollen, hard to reach pregnant tootsies! Thanks lovely x

    1. You are most welcome, Mrs Chalwell! Glad to hear it's being put to good use, sweetie. :)))

  3. I kept trying to access your recipe, but wasn't able to :(

    1. Hi, the recipe is via the link in the second paragraph but if it's not working just send me your email address and I'll send the recipe and the tag to you directly. :)

  4. Hi! Would love if you could send me the tag directly. These are so great and will make a perfect bridal shower favor. Thank you for the idea!!

  5. Can you send me the tag?

  6. I made a batch yesterday; however, it has a strong olive oil scent rather than lemon. What can I do to make it more lemony? Thanks! If you could, please send the tag my way as well too. :)

    1. Yes, olive oil does tend to be a bit strong smelling. If the smell bothers you a nicer alternative is almond oil but I think you will need to go to a health store for that. Good luck! :)

  7. Please send me the gift tag...I LOVE this!

  8. Please send me the gift tag...I LOVE this!
